Keeping It Real

I am being real so I will admit it...I love winning. I love my God, then my family, then my fiance, then money (I'm being real) and then winning. Sometimes, in my desire to prove to the rest of the world how smart I am I lose sight of those who support me. Those who love me regardless of how my team does. I forget about my base...forget is too harsh and too dramatic of a word...I would be better served by saying neglect or take for granted. Although, I think about my loved ones every day...I must admit that I become a little too focused on this game of skill that we all hold very dear...fantasy football.
For me the the months of July through the first or second week of September are my most intense. I compensate to my loved ones by shunning all other sports. I am writing this post to
remind all of you that a happy wife = a happy life. Find balance with those who mean the most to you...if at all possible include them in the you do that I have no idea...but if you know of a way please inform me. This might be the best fantasy football advice I have ever written.
Technorati Tags: fantasy football, fantasy football advice, keeping it real
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