Getting Ready For Crunch Time

In the last two days I signed up for a bunch of fantasy football leagues and paid my money. When you join the type of leagues I join it puts a little bit of a cramp in the wallet...but come January, it has been worth it. That is not to say that I am a fantasy football savant, but I have said that in the past. No, I realize that there is a lot of luck in this game of skill that we play. There is luck in every aspect of human life. For those that do not prescribe to a belief that the world was created by God (aka creationism), but instead was the process of evolution...the paragon of luck (imo it should be called the luck theory). I digress, I am reading the Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham and it has helped me with some of my risk taking and my overall fantasy football philosophy. Sometimes, we think that we are incapable of making mistakes. We think that we are infallible. Sometimes we need to be humbled. This happens to me every year. All of my teams start off slow. I usually lose the four out of my five first games. Talk about humbling, but it is through this process that I understand my teams' flaws. I also, retest my analysis for drafting each player and when I expect them to contribute.
Furthermore, when I was in high school I was a wrestler. I took some bad beats and I handed out some bad beats to some guys who were frankly better than I was. I also wrestled guys who would latter become NCAA Div. 1 National Champions. It was wrestling these guys that I learned what it meant to be out-classed. I know I out-classed various kids I wrestled. Sometimes, in fantasy football for some reason or not...a guy puts together a perfect storm of a week and crushes you. Your best guys were on bye-weeks and his players had career games...there is nothing that you can do.
I say all of this to keep this game of skill that we love in perspective. I can write a blog and I can build a website...two tasks that do put my money where my mouth is, but when you shell out hundreds if not thousands of dollars to tell the world that "I am better than you at fantasy football, and I can prove it." In fantasy football you pay money for the opportunity to compete against everyone who thinks they have a shot at being the best...if this does not make you nervous then you don't fully grasp the gravity of the situation.
This is the time where you have to start mocking, doing uber mocks, checking ADPs. You need to pay attention to what is happening in training camps, is there injuries, how are the position battles going, etc. Like the title of this is now crunch time...and by the way..."I am better than you at fantasy football and forget about the checks that I have cashed for thousands of dollars and the trophies in my room. I am better than you and I willing to put this money on the line to prove it. Are you?"
Try a league at Antsports or one of the many fantasy football leagues at CDM! Now you can proclaim to the Fantasy football world that you are better than everyone else and you are willing to put down your money to prove it.
Technorati Tags:fantasy football, fantasy football ADP, fantasy football mock draft, fantasy football draft
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